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Student Result System

What is Student Result System?
The application will manage the information about various students enrolled in this course in different years, the subjects offered during different semesters of the course, the marks obtained by the various students in various subjects in different semesters.The application will greatly simplify and speed up the result preparation and management process. This document aims at defining overall software requirement for STUDENT RESULT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .Efforts have been made to define the requirements exhaustively and accurately. The final product will be having only features/functionalities mentioned in this document and assumptions for any additional functionality/feature should not be made by any of the parties involved in developing/testing/implementing /using this product .

Student Result System Challenges This specification document describes the capabilities that will be provided by the software application STUDENT RESULT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .It also states the various constraints by which the system will abide. The intended audience for this document are the development team, testing team and end users of the product.

Student Result System Attempts
In most cases the data generated by academic institutions are usually created in nondelineated files for use by different departments/units within the institutions with the same data appearing on several of these files. This means that a simple change of address would have to be processed in two and probably three or four places, depending on the number of other files on which these data appears. The development of database concept is the answer to these problems where the amount of redundant data is reduced and the possibility that data contained on a file might be inaccurate because they were never updated. Other problems associated with course system management include improper registration, late release of students’ results, inaccuracy due to manual and tedious calculation, and retrieval difficulties /inefficiency. To proffer solution to the setback associated with manual system of result processing, an application called Student Academic Record Management System

Student Result System Solutions
Results are compiled by each teacher according to the subjects he or she handles by calculating (addition and division) each student’s Test and Exam scores. For every student in question, The teacher will add what the student scored in 1st & 2nd Test and Exam to get the total for that subject, for example in Mathematics, teacher repeats this process for the rest of subjects offered by the same student just to get all the total scores for each subject. To get the average score for this student, the teacher will further add all the total scores for each subject offered then divide by total number of subjects offered by the student. The whole process is repeated for the remaining 29 students. After that is done, the teacher starts looking for the highest average score and the one that follows and so on to get (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ………30th positions in the class). it does not end there, the teacher later enter the record into each student “Report Card” and also create a broad sheet called Master Sheet for all the students’ records for future references. This process of result compilation is very stressful and time consuming.

Student Result System Usefulness
1.Manage multiple departments from a single computer.
2.Total computerized system
3.Effective use of time
4.Cost effective
5.Charges are one time only
6.Anywhere, anytime Availability ? Internet or Intranet with Automatic Synchronization.
7.Highly customizable according to your requirements