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Student Verification System

What is Student Verification System?
Online student verification systems can do so much more than just record results. These systems offer eLearning platforms a way of organizing, storing, verifying, and budgeting for their entire school. This document aims at defining overall software requirement for STUDENT RESULT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .Efforts have been made to define the requirements exhaustively and accurately. The final product will be having only features/functionalities mentioned in this document and assumptions for any additional functionality/feature should not be made by any of the parties involved in developing/testing/implementing /using this product .

Student Verification System Challenges
With the massive growth in enrollment in online educational course, students and educators are seeking ways to streamline each student's record of work in education. With this growth also comes the increased risk of hackers and dishonest students trying to get ahead of the system by changing grades and statistics. And, with the global classroom, managing true academic progress can be tricky when verifying degrees or achievements a student may have obtained in another country.

Student Verification System Attempts
Make managing your class enrollment so much easier with record keeping, progress, and testing scores located in one central database. Administrators, teachers, students, future employers, and training facilities can access the students’ work with a few keystrokes and be sure that the information they receive is accurate for discounts, future job employment, and scholarship awards.
Manage course assignments, education assessments, and enrollment in one place. Students from around the globe can participate in your eLearning platform and be provided with standard documentation and verification of their work.
There are some companies like Nuance and Microsoft that will give students enrolled in school discounts on their more expensive products. Companies such as these wish to verify enrollment and/or grade achievements before offering the discounts. Your administration just needs to point these businesses to the portal you've chosen for student verification.

Student Verification System Solutions
Before checking out this list of online student verification programs, be sure to compare prices and specifics. Some of these companies offer way more services than a small online teaching platform would need, and some may not service smaller online schools at all.
Be sure to do your homework before handing over your school’s budgeted dollars. Some companies help your school manage their records internally and some, like Vasto and National Student Clearinghouse, help employers and schools outside of your school to transfer data, records, achievement, and training. If your online training school is just starting out, start with what your enrollment can support and then grow from there.

Student Verification System Usefulness
Identification badges are used to identify the students and staff who belong in the school community. Whether or not the ID contains a photo, when students and faculty wear their badges in a visible location, a sense of belonging is provided. The identification cards can be used to facilitate student discounts at school events and with participating local merchants. Schools have implemented specialized rewards from retail establishments based on grade point averages. The verification of the student reward level can be identified by review of an indicator on the identification card.
We propose a Smart School ID system that will provide presence detection/access control and notification services as well.
The presence detection/access control function is comprised of a wired/wireless sensor network of readers that is installed in school buildings to detect presence of students with badges or tags.
All school students will be supplied photo school ID cards that provide automated access to designated school entrances during school hours. The ID cards will be worn at school throughout the day.
As a part of the roll call, student IDs will be tapped into the system when each student arrives or leaves the school. This automates time and attendance reconciliation.